so this week was very fast!! we had our baptisim!! and i loved it!! the girl is named sabrina and she has 14 years!!! she didnt really like the baptisimal clothing and started to cry... pobre cita! so we got her to calm down and then she was very nervous to get into the water but my comp just said that her grandparents were watching her from heaven and wanted her to do this and that they were going to be very happy for her! and after that she had no problem! it was awesome! i talked in church yesterday about an email i sent last week i think it was about the sheperd and the sheep!! it was super good!!
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
so this week was good!! we had special traning this week and that was super good!! i liked it alot!! one of the things that i liked most that they talked about was how if we think we are in an area that baptises we will baptise if we think we are in an area that doesnt baptise we wont... so that was really cool and i liked it!!
big news!! we are going to have a baptisim this week!! here name is sabrina and she is 14! alot of her family are members but she isnt! after her we want to work with the mom!!! we are super excited!!! the work goes good! im loving it and it is starting to cool off a little!!
something else i learned that i thought was super cool was that we hear about jesus is our sheperd and how the sheep only listen to the voice of their sheperd. that is why it is so important that we teach by the spirit!! so that all the lost sheep recognize that jesus is calling and not some random 19 year old boy!!
Love Elder Groen
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Elder Udall, Elder Lopez and Elder Rawlings playing "Manoply Deal" (editorial note from mom: we think this is actually "Monopoly Deal".) |
Monday, March 16, 2015
New Comp! New Area!
I'm assuming these are Elders that share the apartment. Dalton didn't give me info - I'll keep asking! |
Elder Udall & Elder Groen |
so the new area is great we have three people who are getting ready to be baptised ana and i dont remember the names of the others!!! the ward seems awesome tho!! some drama between some sisters but well have to see about that!!! thank you for all of the support and i hope you have the best week!!
Love Elder Groen!!!
Monday, March 9, 2015
Transfers Already!!!
so another six weeks has come and gone! the mission i just flying by! i can not believe that i am no starting my 7th transfer! i have honestly learned so much in the short time that i have been here! my testimonie of everything has grown so much!! i am so very greatful for all that i have learned!!
i know that my savior lived and died for me and that he once again lives and gave all of us the chance to also live again. i also know that satan is real and that he will do everything in his power to keep us from being seccessful. if you dont have a testimonie of this reed the book of mormon and you will. i also know that satan has only power over us of the thing that we alowe of him. i know that we have the power to over any temtation that he throws at us and i know that if we dont god will give it to us!! i testify that god loves every one of us and knows us personally!!
Many people in the Western hemisphere may not understand Jesus’ imagery of shepherds and sheep since they are more familiar with sheepherders than shepherds. Western sheepherders often use dogs or ride horses or drive large numbers of sheep to desired locations. In the Middle East, it is done differently. Shepherds often have small flocks, and their sheep are more like pets. They have names for each sheep or lamb similar to the way Westerners have names for pet dogs or cats.
Once, while I was touring Israel, our group watched a shepherd with his sheep. The shepherd would lead his sheep. He walked in front and the sheep followed behind. The sheep for the most part followed the shepherd in single file. When the shepherd came to a busy road, he first crossed the road himself. He then called each sheep by name to cross the road one by one as traffic permitted. The sheep knew his voice. They responded to that voice in obedience for their own safety. The good shepherd knew his sheep. He loved them. He protected them. The sheep trusted the shepherd with their lives.
On another occasion, a Church Education System group touring the Holy Land came upon a shepherd carrying a small lamb in a large pocket he had inside his garment. A member of the group noted a splint on the lamb’s leg. When asked how the leg had become broken the shepherd replied, “I broke it.” The shepherd then explained that the little lamb had kept wandering away from the flock, putting his life in jeopardy. This good shepherd had broken the lamb’s leg so the lamb would have to be carried. Of necessity, the lamb would learn to depend on the shepherd and consequently remain free from the physical dangers that seemed to entice him.
In a similar fashion, Christ, the Good Shepherd, allows us—His sheep—to experience trials, adversity, and “spiritual broken legs” to teach us dependence on Him. If we, as His sheep, through this process of adversity, learn to stay close to Him and let Him carry us, we can then truly be a part of his fold and he becomes our Shepherd.
If we rearrange our thinking, we may see our trials as a “broken leg”, drawing us closer to Him. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and provides them not only with hope, but also with protection in His fold and kingdom—whether we are gently led there, or humbled and carried. May we see the wisdom of His plan and may it bring to us “hope through the atonement of Christ . . . to be raised up unto eternal life . . . because of [our] faith in him . . .” (Moroni 7:41) is my prayer.
i know this is true!
Love Elder Groen!!
Monday, March 2, 2015
8 Months Today!!!
So official today i start to work on my ninth month!! im a third the way done!!
The baptisim!! It went awesome!! he is now a member and is going very well! all my doughts that he was just doing it for his wife went away!! he cried at the baptisim because he felt th spirit! he cried at his confirmation because he felt the spirit and he cried at his ordantion to the priesthood because he felt the spirit!! it was awesome!!
but the bad thing about baptisims is that you are left with one less investigator...
so a cool short little story!
so there i was sleeping one night and i had a dream of me looking at this house and my mind set was that the house to the left of my was our apartment. but it wasnt... so then i woke up and the cool part was i knew exactly where that house i was looking at was!! so we went by one day to the house that was on my left in the dream because i thought it was form god! we knocked on the house and i was expecting the normal castelar rich people answer of now we dont want anything. but thats not what happened... a lady came out and she was very nice!! very nice!! we couldnt teach her because her husband wasnt home! god is helping us so much!!
elder groen!!
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