Dear Everyone,
So today in the morning i was reading a talk by Elder Faust called (Things I want my grandson to know before he goes on a mission.) or something like that and there was one part that talked about what i think was a two horse buggie or something. and he said if one horse is slower then the other horse the other horse will struggle pulling the cart by its self. and i kind of feel like that is what i am doing now. i have alwayse in my life like to follow the popular kids... even if they werent the ones doing the right things, i would follow the to be ''cool''. and since i have been with elder udall i have started to do that... the first day i was with him i wanted to get along with him really well because the realationship between me and my last companion wasnt up to par. So i did what i thought would make me look cool in ''the eyes of man'' not looking upward and trying to think how i looked in the eyes of the one that it really matters. so my obedience went downhill...
Now because im a very lucky Elder and becuse my god loves me he has just been sending his spirit into my soul as often as he gets the chance to tell me to do differently. and it has worked! little by little i have gotten up the courage to put my foot down to something he wants to do thats not what we should be doing. i have poured out my heart in pray several times to god to ask for forgiveness and stregnth! and he has give it to me and i can notice a very notable difference at how much happier i am throught my day!! it is amazing!! i have also noticed that although my comp may be mad for a little we alwayse end up loughing and making jokes!!
My comp really doesnt like looking for new people. In the five weeks that i have been in castillo we have no started visiting even one single new house. so its been hard because we are not progresing with any investigators... but i have now started to be able to get him to go and knock on some doors!! im excited for this week and very optimistic!!!
I do have a question though. when im trying to get him to do weekly planning and he starts doing but he either doesnt take it seriously or is a jerk to me... what can i do to help him not be a jerk about it? or to take it seriously?
another question. when we need to come back on tuesdays and sundays to studay and when we get a vianda he just sleeps. How can i help him to be motivated to study during those times?
i know that obedience is so importante and the first law of heaven!! i know the lord will bless us for our obedience! he has to!! (DandC 82:10)
thanks for all of the prayers
Love, Elder Groen
An hammock Dalton bought "from a Brazilian" |
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Dalton sleeping at night in the hammock and getting "eaten by mosquitoes!" |