I hope everybody had a great christmas!! we had a white christmas in the baptism of mario it was so great!! he cut his hair for it!! sorry i dont have a picture of him with long hair. he is on track to get the priesthood next week!!!

after the baptisim he came up to me and my comp and hugged us and just started crying and said my sons in english!! it was the best!! then we took him to get ice cream!! it was a great way to end the transfer!! i loved it!! the next day he came dressed in a suit!!
yesterday we invited a new investigator to be baptised and it was great!! she understood very well that she needs it!! and it was a great example for me. we she realized that her baptisim in the catholic church wasnt vallid she showed her motherly love towarrds her children first and said "you mean my childrens baptisims didnt count?" with concern in her voice!!
i love the mission and am becoming a Consecrated missionary more and more every day!!
Love Elder Groen
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