Ive had a pretty hard core cold this week. my comp had to go to capital to do his document stuff and i went to the offices of the mission and got to sleep on the couch of president robertsen the whole time!! pictures included!! last monday the two elders in the picture showed up in our area so incredibly lost!! the are in the mission my grandson and great grand son. or in other words the blond one is training the other and the blond one was trained by the elder that i trained!! haha

this week i played nearer my god to thee, in sacrament meeting on the piano!! i was so nervous bucause i never have before but it turned out great!!
Our main investigator is named alejandro he is 20 years old and has quite a story! his sister was shot a little while ago and lived! he freacked out quite a bit and went to get revenge. he found the guy and shot out both of his knees leaving him unable to walk. he has made quite a few changes in his life! he is living with members and going to church every week!
my comp was sick yesterday and while he was resting i read 30 pages of the book of mormon! so good!!
Elder Groen
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