Monday, February 29, 2016

Argentine sunset from the top of the pench roof
So to start off this email i would like to tell about the amazing experience that we were able to have as elder bednar came to buenos aires to speak with all of the missionaries all over the south america south area!! we were spiritually edified as he talked alot about the spirit! i liked one thing that he said at the very start and that was that in meetings we need not to take notes of what the people say becuase then we loose them and dont look back at them. he related it to writing on the large plates. but if we take notes of what the spirit says then we will tresure what it says to us!! thats like writing on small plates!!

On saturday Diego was baptised a member of la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los últimos días!!  (Dont worry, This is our church just written in spanish!) it was a great day and he loved it!! his Conversion Story: The sisters were passing by his house one day and they say the sign on the gate that says family rojas. so the stoped and started teaching the family diego showed the most intrest as he started reading the book of mormon alot! well after some inconvinences the sisters had to pass him to us and so we started teaching him!! he had a long road ahead of him seeing that he need to drop a major drinking problem. but he did!! he also finished the book of mormon 1 week before his baptisim!! 

Now the sad part. my convert from december who is so awesome. last week in church he asked the hermana gull to marry him. so the president asked us to talk to him and teach him that that wasnt ok. so we did and now he hates me. yesterday he asked to talk to me and the branch president so we did and we got in the presidents office and he just started yelling at me... saying that im pridefull and arogant and a dishonor to my family and ansestors. i learned that in times like these we just need to humble our selfs and listen. so i did. thanking him for the advice. sad but good that he's only mad at me and not the church.

Love Elder Groen
Don't you hate it when your tractor breaks down?

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