So this week was good! but also sad!
On saturday we were looking for a reference and we asked and asked and asked and couldnt find it... but we felt to keep asking. so we did and finally someone knew the guy and pointed his house out to us!! so we went up and knocked and who comes out? our convert diego and he was so drunk... we were so sad! he told us that he needed to repent. we offered to walk with him to his house right then but he wouldnt leave... he didnt come to church either.
Yesterday sister mickelsen from my mtc district was visiting argentina and she came to our branch for church! that was great to see her and get to know her parrents!! her dad shared his testimony and it was super cool!

Love Elder Groen
*Note from Mom. I asked about Mario. Dalton said he's still mad at Dalton but still attending church. He won't look at Dalton or shake his hand but Dalton will gladly take that if Mario will still come to church and has joined for the right reasons.
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