Monday, May 23, 2016


This was John's favorite drink when he served in Brazil. 
so this week was good. hard but good!!! we had a meeting with president for all of the missionarys that are going home with in a few months. and they talked about finishing strong!! im stoked!! my comp and i are doing great!! we are getting along well. working hard and killing it!! ready to finish strong!!

this week was hard becasue we worked all week long with fabiola getting her ready for her baptisim!! she was excited and seemed very prepared!! on saturday the day of the baptisim her boyfriend who is a member was take into the hospital for some reason in critical condition. we couldnt get a hold of her the whole day. and finaly 40 minutes before the baptisim we found her. she was frantic about her boy friend so we sat down with her and she just started of talking about all that was going on. we tried to calm her down. we walk to the church with her. all the members were in the chaple and we went up stairs with her and said a prayer and gave her a blessing. in the end she didnt feel alright and didnt feel up to getting baptised. so she left. we made the best out of the situation and had a big family night with the ward. after she told us that she was moving to a different city... we were devistated. but if there is one thing that i have learned on my mission is that we cant get down on our selvs. so i said to my comp. well lets go find some news. so we went and found a new that night!! the week ended up being one of the best in a while  teaching wise!! im greatful to a lord and god that know me and want the best for me. i know they are with me and give me the stregnth to continue in the hard times!! 

love elder groen!

Monday, May 16, 2016

New Comp!!

My new comp is from california he is named Elder Mcdonald. he has 6 months on the mission and is a hard worker!! every time people see or hear his name they say "like the burgers right?" or something like that!! its quite amusing to hear 100 times every day!! haha some people go as far as to ask if his first name is ronald! haha very clever!!!

We had a few lessons with fabiola. she is the one from peru here as a visitor!! she has now come to church 4 times and really wants to be baptised. we are a little hesitant about doing it because we dont want here to go back to peru and just go in-active so we have been praying alot! last night we asked the zone leaders what they thought and they said they felt alright and they asked the assistants who also said that it was alright!! so we are going to have a baptism this saturday!! we are very excited!! fabiola is going to be a great convert to the church!! 

Love you all

Elder groen

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wet week!

So I dont have much time but this week we found a new investigator working through the members! she moved from preu last week and is living with a less active! we went by and were able to teach them both. fabiola the peruvian accepted a baptismal invitation for the 7th of may!! we are super excited for her! she came to church and loved it!! 

Love Elder Groen!!

Monday, April 18, 2016

What a week!!

I had a Great week!! 


We were walking down the street and two poliece stopped us and we knew one of them from before so we started to chat and it came up that i have a girl friend and so they started asking questions about that. we were able to talk a little about our beliefs about not having sexual realtions before marriage. they started say that was so bad. they said we could get hit by a car and die that day and not have lived anything. but we were able to testify about the after life and how if we dont obey here we will suffer there! it was very spirtual and turned out to be great!! they then recieved a call about a calling and had to go!

We were teaching our recent convert matias about temples and my comp with his limited spanish tryed to explain that we get baptised in behalf of the dead and matias said ok but i dont want to die yet. haha very funny! a little bit of a misunderstanding!! after the lesson he expressed his feelings toward us of gratitude. he is so so so so so so shy... but the gosple is changing him!! he said that he is so much happier now!! 

Last night we had dinner i the house of a very humble family. They made burgers for us!! they are so awesome!! people like them have changed me!! The walls in their house are ply wood nailed together in a random pattern to make it fit. the floor is dirt. they have one hall way and one room. and an out house. in the hall way is the kitchen. the four of them 2 daughter sleep on two beds!! and yet they give to us all that they can!! with a good attitude!! How christ like! what an example!!

Love Elder Groen

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sick day!

Ive had a pretty hard core cold this week. my comp had to go to capital to do his document stuff and i went to the offices of the mission and got to sleep on the couch of president robertsen the whole time!! pictures included!! last monday the two elders in the picture showed up in our area so incredibly lost!! the are in the mission my grandson and great grand son. or in other words the blond one is training the other and the blond one was trained by the elder that i trained!! haha 

this week i played nearer my god to thee, in sacrament meeting on the piano!! i was so nervous bucause i never have before but it turned out great!! 

Our main investigator is named alejandro he is 20 years old and has quite a story! his sister was shot a little while ago and lived! he freacked out quite a bit and went to get revenge. he found the guy and shot out both of his knees leaving him unable to walk. he has made quite a few changes in his life! he is living with members and going to church every week! 

my comp was sick yesterday and while he was resting i read 30 pages of the book of mormon! so good!! 

Elder Groen 

Monday, April 4, 2016


*Note from Mom:

Dalton did some email chatting this week and didn't have time for a family email.   So I'l posting a few tidbits from him:

- He hasn't heard from Mario - that's all in the past.

- President Hymas served in Dalton's area twice and gave Dalton a long list of people he'd like contacted.   Dalton LOVES these warm referrals.

- They have some investigators but "nothing serious enough to write about".  (He still doesn't understand how we love to hear anything!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Parque San Martin

So i like it here!! its a good place!! we had a baptisim yesterday!! his name is matias and he is i think a little autistic. but a great guy!! 

my comp is from ogden and brand new in the mission! he played lacross at bonaville high! 

Left to Right:  Elder Wiggins, Elder Lindquist, Elder Vicente (formerly Elder Silva - his mother's last name)
this week is transfers and we are getting a new elder in the appartment in the other companionship and i lived with him at the start of my mish!! so cool!! the elder on the right of the picture! (the pic is from 2014)

Elder D Groen